Debunking ‘Seaspiracy’: “There’s No Such Thing as Sustainable Fishing”

By: Hayley Austin The Anticipation  When Seaspiracy popped up on my recommended list on Netflix this March, I decided to give it a watch. As an environmental activist, documentary enthusiast, and final year Environment, Resources, and Sustainability student, I was like many of the people who had likely been drawn to the allure of oceanContinue reading “Debunking ‘Seaspiracy’: “There’s No Such Thing as Sustainable Fishing””

A Cataclysmic Performance of Breaking White

A poem about melting glaciers By: Bibiana Egbunike A mass of scintillating white is crumbling into the sea trapped tightly in the clutches of heat with nowhere to flee   its arms once stretched high in the mountains and over the land  the increased temperature, it cannot withstand First a drop, a trickle, then a waveContinue reading “A Cataclysmic Performance of Breaking White”

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